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Gary Dushnitsky

Academic & Advisor

Gary is an Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at London Business School. He also serves as a Senior Fellow at The Mack Institute for Innovation Management at The Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania). Gary explores the shifting landscape of entrepreneurial finance, including such topics as corporate venture capital, crowdfunding, and accelerators. His research has appeared in leading academic journals like Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, and Nature Biotechnology. Gary serves as the Co-Editor of the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal and a Senior Editor at Organization Science. He has received several academic distinctions, including the 2013 SMS Emerging Scholar Award, the 2009 Kauffmann Junior Faculty Fellowship, and several best dissertation prizes. Gary advises corporations in the Financial Industry, FMCG, Clean Tech, and Pharma sectors on a host of corporate venturing issues, and has been involved in several industry reports, as well as keynotes and panels such as the YPO, World Economic Forum, OECD, EVCA, BVCA, and others.